Tuesday, July 12, 2011

100 Word Stories - Week 273

Starting this week I am stretching myself - time to see if I can inspire others through my words as others have inspired me. First task in the process - write! I will be trying to diligently participate in Laurence Simon's (aka R Crap Mariner in Second Life) weekly 100 Word Stories Challenge (http://podcasting.isfullofcrap.com/the-weekly-challenge/).

The following is my entry for this, my first, week.

Double Barrel Failure (a true story)

Christmas was always the same. She delivered a list of gifts she wanted. I acquired, wrapped and presented them.

One Christmas I decided to innovate; my gift ideas, my own theme.

So proud, I presented the peripherals I knew (knew!) she could use with her new laptop.
Nonplussed, the next day I retrieved her list, acquired, wrapped and placed the gifts under the tree.

Santa even left a note telling her what a bad boy I had been.
I waited. And waited. And waited.
Abject Failure!
Until three weeks later, while taking down the tree, she found the gifts.

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